Signs of Cocaine Addiction

image of woman representing signs of cocaine addiction

Updated February 16, 2024

Authored By:

Joe Gilmore

Edited By

Amy Leifeste

Medically Reviewed By

Javier Rodriguez-Winter

Authored By:

Joe Gilmore

Edited By

Amy Leifeste

Medically Reviewed By

Javier Rodriguez-Winter

image of woman representing signs of cocaine addiction

It’s important to be able to recognize the signs of cocaine addiction to be able to seek treatment or help intervene for a loved one. Cocaine addiction is a serious and harmful condition that can have devastating effects on physical, mental, and emotional well-being. Recognizing the signs of cocaine addiction can help inform early intervention and seeking appropriate treatment.

This guide outlines the short-term and long-term signs of a cocaine addiction and highlights the most prominent physical signs of a cocaine addict.

Early Signs of Cocaine Addiction

Cocaine addiction is a chronic and complex condition that can have devastating effects on health, relationships, and overall well-being. Developing an awareness of the early signs of addiction to cocaine addiction can help individuals intervene and provide appropriate support to those in need. Here are the most common early signs of cocaine addiction:

  • Increased tolerance: One of the earliest signs of cocaine addiction is an increased tolerance to the drug. Over time, individuals may find that they need to use larger amounts of cocaine to achieve the same effects they used to experience with smaller doses. This can lead to a dangerous cycle of escalating use.
  • Frequent use: Using cocaine more frequently than intended or in larger amounts than originally planned is a clear indicator of a potential problem. If someone is consistently using cocaine in larger quantities or more often than they initially intended, it could be a sign of addiction.
  • Neglecting responsibilities: Individuals in the early stages of cocaine addiction may start neglecting their responsibilities at work, school, or home. This can include missing deadlines, skipping classes, or neglecting household chores.
  • Changes in social circle: People addicted to cocaine may start spending more time with others who also use the drug. They might withdraw from friends and family who don’t partake in drug use and develop new friendships with those who share their addiction.
  • Altered mood and behavior: Cocaine can lead to noticeable changes in a person’s mood and behavior. Early signs can include increased irritability, anxiety, restlessness, and even episodes of euphoria followed by crashes.
  • Financial problems: Cocaine addiction can be expensive to maintain. Individuals may start facing financial difficulties as they prioritize buying cocaine over other necessities.
  • Physical signs: While some physical signs may be more evident in later stages of addiction, early signs can include dilated pupils, increased heart rate, and a runny nose.
  • Defensiveness about drug use: People in the early stages of addiction may become defensive or evasive when questioned about their drug use. They may downplay the extent of their usage or deny it altogether.
  • Changes in appearance: Cocaine addiction can impact personal hygiene and self-care. Early signs can include neglecting grooming, weight loss, and changes in overall appearance.
  • Loss of interest: Hobbies, activities, and interests that once brought joy may lose their appeal to someone struggling with cocaine addiction. The drug becomes the primary focus of their life.

a man stands on a mountain representing physical signs of cocaine addiction

Signs of Long-Term Cocaine Addiction

Long-term cocaine addiction can have profound and often devastating effects on both the brain and body. As individuals continue to use cocaine over an extended period, they expose themselves to a range of physical, psychological, and social consequences.

Neurological changes

Prolonged cocaine use can lead to significant changes in the brain’s structure and function. The brain’s reward system becomes desensitized to natural rewards, leading to a decreased ability to experience pleasure from non-drug-related activities. This can result in individuals prioritizing drug use over relationships, work, and hobbies.

Tolerance and sensitization

Long-term cocaine use often leads to the development of tolerance, requiring higher doses to achieve the desired effects. Paradoxically, individuals can also become sensitized to the toxic effects of cocaine, meaning that smaller amounts can lead to severe negative reactions, including anxiety, convulsions, and toxicity.

Cardiovascular damage

Cocaine abuse can severely damage the cardiovascular system, leading to elevated blood pressure, rapid heart rate, and constriction of blood vessels. Chronic use increases the risk of heart attack, stroke, and other cardiovascular complications. Long-term cocaine use can also result in permanent increases in blood pressure, arrhythmias, and other heart-related issues.

Physical health decline

Individuals who engage in long-term cocaine use are at risk of various health problems, including respiratory issues, gastrointestinal complications, and damage to vital organs such as the liver and kidneys. Cocaine can have harmful effects on multiple body systems, leading to chronic health conditions and deteriorated overall well-being.

Psychiatric disorders

Long-term cocaine use is associated with an increased risk of developing psychiatric disorders like anxiety, depression, and psychosis. Individuals may experience heightened anxiety, paranoia, and even full-blown psychosis characterized by auditory hallucinations and delusional thinking.

Cognitive impairment

Prolonged cocaine use can lead to cognitive deficits, including impaired attention, memory, and decision-making abilities. These cognitive impairments can interfere with daily functioning and hinder individuals’ ability to lead productive lives.

Social and financial consequences

Long-term cocaine addiction often leads to strained relationships, isolation, and financial difficulties. As individuals prioritize obtaining and using the drug, their personal and professional lives may suffer.

Physical deterioration

Chronic cocaine use can lead to physical deterioration, including damage to the nasal passages from snorting cocaine, dental issues from drug-related clenching and grinding, and overall poor physical appearance due to neglect of self-care routines.

Difficulty quitting

Long-term cocaine addiction is characterized by its powerful hold on individuals. The changes in brain chemistry and circuitry make it challenging to quit without professional treatment. Many people find themselves caught in a cycle of relapse and struggle to achieve lasting sobriety. An inability to discontinue use is a diagnostic criterion for cocaine addiction.

Professional help, counseling, therapy, and rehabilitation programs can provide the necessary support for individuals to break free from the grip of cocaine addiction and work toward rebuilding their lives.

Physical Signs of Cocaine Addiction

Physical signs of cocaine addiction can manifest in various ways, reflecting the impact of this powerful stimulant on the body. Cocaine can trigger both short-term and long-term physical effects that serve as indicators of addiction. These effects can vary based on factors like the amount and frequency of cocaine use, as well as the route of administration –snorting, injecting, or smoking.

Here are some of the physical signs that may indicate cocaine addiction:

  • Rapid heart rate: Cocaine use often leads to an elevated heart rate, which can pose significant risks to cardiovascular health over time. The heart rate increase is due to cocaine’s stimulant effects on the central nervous system.
  • Elevated body temperature: Cocaine can cause a rise in body temperature, which may be accompanied by sweating and flushing of the skin. This can contribute to discomfort and health risks during prolonged use.
  • High blood pressure: Cocaine use can lead to elevated blood pressure, which is particularly concerning for individuals with pre-existing cardiovascular conditions. Chronic cocaine use can contribute to long-term damage to the cardiovascular system.
  • Dilated pupils: Cocaine use often results in dilated pupils, making them appear larger than usual. This effect is due to the drug’s impact on the autonomic nervous system.
  • Runny nose: Cocaine use can cause irritation of the nasal passages, leading to a runny or congested nose. Frequent snorting of cocaine can exacerbate this symptom.
  • Persistent nosebleeds: Irritation and damage to the nasal membranes from snorting cocaine can result in frequent nosebleeds.
  • Excessive sweating: Cocaine use can lead to increased sweating, contributing to physical discomfort and potential dehydration.
  • Loss of appetite: Many individuals who use cocaine experience a significant decrease in appetite, leading to weight loss over time.
  • Bursts of high energy: Cocaine use can result in short-lived bursts of energy and hyperactivity, often followed by periods of fatigue and exhaustion.
  • Insomnia: Cocaine’s stimulating effects can interfere with normal sleep patterns, leading to insomnia and disrupted sleep.
  • Breathing problems: Cocaine use may cause respiratory issues, especially when the drug is smoked. This can lead to shortness of breath and difficulty breathing.
  • Blacking out: Cocaine use can lead to a sudden and temporary loss of consciousness.

If you or someone you know is struggling with cocaine addiction, professional treatment and support are available to assist in achieving recovery and improving overall health and well-being.


How can I tell if someone is addicted to cocaine?

Recognizing signs of cocaine addiction can include physical symptoms like rapid heart rate, dilated pupils, runny nose, and weight loss. Behavioral indicators may involve increased secrecy, financial difficulties, and social isolation. If you suspect someone is addicted to cocaine, help them seek professional assistance.

How can I help someone who is showing signs of cocaine addiction?

If you notice signs like increased drug use or secretive behavior, approach the person with compassion and understanding. Offer support and encourage them to seek professional treatment. Connecting them with treatment resources, such as local drug services, helplines, or private treatment organizations, can be beneficial.

What should I do if I’m addicted to cocaine?

If you are struggling with cocaine addiction, seek help from professionals. Start by consulting your healthcare provider or local drug treatment service. They can assess your situation, discuss treatment options, and create a personalized plan. You should also strongly consider engaging with inpatient or outpatient rehab for cocaine addiction.

How can I stop being addicted to cocaine?

Overcoming cocaine addiction often requires professional help due to its challenges. Withdrawal symptoms can be intense, and the risk of relapse is high. Consider enrolling in a structured treatment program that includes therapy, support groups, and medical care. Also, ensure that you have a support system and access to resources that can aid in recovery.

an image of Gratitude Lodge's signs ofa cocaine addiction treatment center

Get Treatment for Cocaine Addiction at Gratitude Lodge

At Gratitude Lodge, located in Newport Beach and Long Beach, California, we offer comprehensive support for overcoming cocaine addiction and addressing mental health concerns. Our rehabilitation centers provide a pet-friendly environment to promote whole-body recovery. With a focus on your well-being, our supervised medical detox program ensures a safe transition to ongoing recovery. Once detox is complete, our 30-day inpatient program awaits.

Our treatment programs incorporate a range of interventions to facilitate your recovery journey, including medication-assisted treatment, psychotherapy, family therapy, group therapy, individual therapy, holistic interventions, and aftercare. These interventions are designed to provide holistic healing and support your transition from active addiction to a healthier, fulfilling life free of addictive substances like cocaine.

Gratitude Lodge is dedicated to helping you achieve lasting recovery. To take the first step towards a better future, place your trust in us. Contact our admissions team at 844-576-0144.

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Many patients don’t realize the toxicity of prolonged alcohol abuse and how it affects the body. Alcohol detox at the luxurious rehab addiction centers at Gratitude Lodge leeches your body of these toxins in preparation for successful treatment for drugs and alcohol abuse.
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Holistic Therapy

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Gratitude Lodge clients laughing, representing drug detox california


An essential part of your treatment experience, we offer individual (CBT and DBT talk therapy) and group addiction treatment counseling to help you explore and address the emotional component of addiction, providing you with the tools, self-awareness, and empowerment you need to maintain recovery.
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Dual Diagnosis

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an image of a client and therapist at Gratitude Lodge's Long Beach addiction treatment center

Medication-Assisted Treatment (MAT)

Medication-Assisted Treatment provides you with FDA-approved medications to help ease the symptoms of withdrawal while you’re in treatment. This makes the detox process easier and safer, as well as increasing the chances of a successful recovery.
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Sober Living

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Outpatient Treatment

Once detox and inpatient are complete, we provide an easy transition to outpatient care through our hand-selected partners. This program offers a more flexible approach, allowing you to ease back in to daily life while still receiving frequent & effective care.
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Inpatient Treatment

Inpatient treatment provides an intensive and comprehensive addiction treatment program in a structured environment. You will receive 24/7 expert care, therapy, and support as you build your foundation for long-term recovery.
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Drug & Alcohol Detox

A crucial first step in the recovery process, our detox program provides a comfortable, medically supervised environment that addresses the physical aspect of addiction and eliminates substances from your body.
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Jenni Bussi

Jenni Busse MS, LPCC

Jenni Busse MS, LPSS is the Clinical Director at Gratitude Lodge. Jenni oversees the clinical program and the clinical team at Gratitude Lodge as a whole. Jenni has worked in treatment for almost 14 years. Her background as a licensed therapist and her passion for helping others intersected with addiction recovery when she started working primarily in detox residential treatment.
Joe Gilmore

Joseph Gilmore

Joseph Gilmore has been working in the addiction industry for half a decade and has been writing about addiction and substance abuse treatment during that time. He has experience working for facilities all across the country. Connect with Joe on LinkedIn.

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