BlueCross BlueShield Rehab

Get world-class treatment for drug and alcohol addiction at our BCBS-covered rehab.

Premier BCBS Rehab - Gratitude Lodge

If you or a loved one are struggling with an addiction and have BCBS insurance, Gratitude Lodge can help. 

Our BlueCross BlueShield alcohol rehab offers the highest quality of care and support for those in need of inpatient rehab, with a variety of world-class treatments and luxury housing. 

Our premier addiction recovery program offers:

  • 1:1 Staff-to-Client Ratio
  • Evidence-Based treatments
  • Medication-Assisted Treatment (MAT)
  • Same Day Admission
  • Gym & beach outings
  • Family-like atmosphere
  • Cooked and catered meals
  • 24/7 care
  • Pet-friendly accommodations
gratitude lodge gallery
Gratitude Lodge

Luxurious Facilities

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Treatment Options

Drug & Alcohol Detox

Inpatient Rehab

Outpatient Rehab

A group of people celebrating, symbolizing helping a loved one overcome addiction

Customized Treatment Programs

We know that in addiction recovery, one size does not fit all. We treat a variety of substance use disorders & mental health disorders with highly customized care plans for each of our client’s specific needs, leading to a much higher rate of success.

Our expert addiction recovery staff uses individualized, effective treatments including:

What Our Clients Are Saying

A woman celebrating sobriety at the beach

I went to Gratitude Lodge at a desperate time in my life, my mental health was suffering and my addiction crept back in.

My experience was amazing, they truly saved my life. I called late one night and within an hour I was on my way there. The staff was amazing! All of my needs were met and then some. There was always someone there to help thru the tough times, no words can express how Gratitude Lodge has changed my life.

5 stars is not enough!

Joane C.
An image of a man surfing to stay sober
When I checked into Gratitude Lodge I was down, lost and hopeless. The staff treated me with kindness, respect, and care and made me feel comfortable immediately. I attended resourceful groups regarding mental health and addiction. I was able to start looking within myself and learning why I turn to a drink. Today I live a life without alcohol. I am free and happy. My relationships that I ruined are slowly coming back and I am able to love myself again. I owe a lot to Gratitude Lodge in helping me find myself again and for giving me the tools to stay sober.
Alexis C.
A woman at the beach

I’ve been to a countless number of rehabs, all of which have been unsuccessful. I came to gratitude lodge a little over 18 months ago, completely convinced if I did not try getting sober I would have died. i continued my sobriety outside of Gratitude Lodge and have used the tools I learned while here to carry me on in my sobriety. I stayed as long as I could and got the most out of Gratitude Lodge that I have out of any rehab. I am forever grateful and owe my whole life to this place. I highly suggest Gratitude Lodge for a new start at life.

Allie C.

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Call now to get a 100% free & confidential consultation from our addiction recovery experts.